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Silver Saddles Program

Horse’ N Around Stables, Inc. has had many inquires from experienced horse people looking to continue their passion for horseback riding. Whether they had sold their steed, it sadly passed on, or their thoughts were just “I just don’t have the time or money to be the owner of my own horse”.


We already have many folks, even seniors, retirees, coming out for years to enjoy riding the trails. We’re a tight knit group. In the past these folks used to come out to ride our horses without the work or financial burden that comes with owning a horse.


We are now ready to offer a Horse Lease that is practical and affordable for the experienced horse lover. We call it our Silver Saddles Program.


Make sure to Read carefully below to see if it's the right fit for you.

2025 Silver Saddles pricing.jpg

Our Silver Saddles Leasing program is not for everyone. You must be a serious seasoned rider with a past history of horse ownership/leasing with extensive riding experience and knowledge.

Silver Saddles is a Leasing program for past horse owners/leasers who know how to safely accomplish the following without help:


  • Go out into a 5 acre pasture with 15 horses then locate the horse they will be riding.

  • Walk up to it & attach a halter & lead rope.

  • Safely walk the horse through the pasture & out of the gate without letting any of the other 15 horses out.

  • Properly tie & brush the horse for comfort and safety.

  • Correctly lift & pick each of the horse’s hoofs.

  • Correctly saddle the horse, tighten the girth and properly put a bridle on the horses head.

  • From your years of experience you can, without assistance, mount and dismount the horse, and safely ride the trail.


Since this will be a cost effective horse lease, there will be NO paid Horse’ N Around Stables, Inc. staff provided to help you.

If you fit this category of very experienced riders, text the words

"silver saddles"

to Sherri and she will give you a call back to talk about the program.

(remember - she may be doing Barn-Stuff so be patient with the call back) 


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